Interactive Resources and Websites

The following tools provide insight into having difficult dialogues, subscription information for newsletters and resources that further insight on various topics of diversity and inclusion, and interactive guides through historical timelines. Browsing through these sites, you’ll find endless sources of new knowledge.

  • Raiders of the Lost Arcade: Making Space Series: A platform for campus members to critically engage with tropes and stereotypes about gamers and video game characters, and to use video games to promote experiential learning, empathy building and storytelling. The games for this particular series were selected by members of the NC State community in honor of Women’s History Month, and many of them are free to play online. 
  • Tim Wise (Antiracist essayist, author, and educator)
  • Robin DiAngelo (critical racial and social justice education, author of White Fragility)
  • Black Past (Interactive resource on the history of African Americans and people of African ancestry)