Stories From 2018

Sep 28, 2018

Supporting Queer and Undocumented Students Workshop October 16

Students who are both undocumented and queer face barriers and obstacles that are often rendered invisible in conversations about supporting GLBT students. This workshop examines the ways in which sexuality, gender identity and gender expression are complicated by nationality and […]

Sep 28, 2018

Strategic Activism: Fighting on All Fronts

The theme of this year’s GLBT History Month, “Strategic Activism: Fighting on All Fronts,” focuses on the various modes of activism, resistance, advocacy and solidarity within intersectional social justice.

Sep 28, 2018

Diversity Mini-Grants Provide Faculty and Staff Unique Opportunity

The Diversity Mini-Grant Program provides faculty and staff a unique opportunity to actualize diversity and justice-related visions in the NC State community. Apply now through October 12, 2018 to be part of the next cohort of grant recipients.

Sep 28, 2018

Domestic and Dating Violence Focus of Upcoming Month of Events

The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence reports that nearly 1 in 3 college women have experienced an abusive dating relationship. While this statistic speaks to the national prevalence of domestic and dating violence among college-age women, it fails to account for the many multiple and intersecting identities of individuals who experience an elevated risk of interpersonal violence.

Sep 27, 2018

NC State Gets New Top 100 Rankings for Degrees to Diverse Students

NC State has earned recognitions again this year from Diverse: Issues in Higher Education for degrees awarded to students from underrepresented groups.

Sep 27, 2018

NC State’s Diversity Education Week to Feature Three Speakers, Many Events

Diversity Education Week promises interesting speakers and workshops this year on the theme of “Who Are We?: Defining the Wolfpack.” Events will examine the topics of social identity development and expression, social positionality, and policies and practices for improving experiences for those with historically underrepresented and marginalized identities.

Sep 27, 2018

Editorial Opinion: Impact Versus Intent

Erin Elliot, a a second-year graduate student in educational psychology and a graduate assistant in Multicultural Student Affairs, writes the following editorial about NC State's campus community centers, viewed as cherished safe spaces for the Wolfpack family.

Sep 25, 2018

New Kwanzaa Stamp to be Dedicated at NC State

The U.S. Postal Service has selected NC State's African American Cultural Center as the national dedication site for the 2018 Kwanzaa postage stamp. On Wednesday, October 10, 2018, faculty, staff, students and community members are invited to attend a ceremony on Harris Field, adjacent to Witherspoon Student Center.

Sep 17, 2018

UPDATED: Diversity Education Week Welcomes Program Proposals through September 27

Diversity Education Week (DEW) is a week-long series of programs that reinforces NC State’s institutional commitment to diversity, inclusion and equity by highlighting the importance of our diversity and the role it plays in our daily lives, creating opportunities for […]

Sep 14, 2018

“High Cotton” Art Gallery Exhibit on Display through October 3

Artist freedom clay celebrates the multi-dimensional facets and plight of Black people in America by celebrating and affirming their beauty and humanity. Largely achieved through his creation of paintings in response to personal, social and political events, these contexts inform […]