Self-Assessment Categories

Institutional Composition

What is the institutional composition of NC State’s faculty, staff, students and administrators? What does it look like when disaggregated by sex and/or race? Across STEM fields?

Key Transition Points

Does the team identify any barriers to equity when looking at key transition points for faculty, including: Recruitment to hiring, promotion and tenure, and retention?

Career and Professional Development

What are the experiences of faculty, as well as the processes and criteria, as they relate to faculty review, advising and mentoring and pedagogical support?

Flexibility and Career Breaks

What are the institutional policies, expectations and individual experiences related to family/other leave, flexible work, childcare and the effect of these programs on faculty success and evaluation?

Institutional Policies for Diversity and Inclusion

How does the institution ensure policies are legally sustainable and related to diversity, equity and inclusion objectives? What data are used as a basis for the design of systems, policies, processes and practices, and how are effectiveness and impact measured?

Diversity in Leadership

What is the compositional diversity of institutional leadership? How are individuals appointed to leadership roles, and what accountability measures are in place for leadership’s alignment with diversity, equity and inclusion-related goals? 

Institutional Climate and Culture

Climate and culture covers a variety of topics, including: Are there opportunities for members of the community to openly discuss and learn about issues of equity and inequity? How is institutional climate measured? What efforts are made to prevent and address sexual harassment and sexual assault? Is there a clear understanding of faulty workload and allocation? How is diversity represented with regard to role models at the institution?