Sensory-Friendly Hours

Talley Student Union, GLBT Center Lounge (Suite 5230)

The GLBT Center Lounge will host sensory-friendly hours with chill music, a quiet space and dimmed lighting. Come study or relax with us.

Exploring Identity Series: Attraction

This workshop will explore different types of attractions. We will also cover terminology around asexual and aromantic identities and ways to support asexual and aromantic spectrum peers.

Developing Cultural Competence: Virtual Cultural Exchange

The Developing Cultural Competence student certificate program provides a theoretical framework for understanding culture, learning about cultural dimensions and improving cultural competency. In four weeks, students build an international network while studying global cultures. The certificate program appeals to students […]

Sensory-Friendly Hours

Talley Student Union, GLBT Center Lounge (Suite 5230)

The GLBT Center Lounge will host sensory-friendly hours with chill music, a quiet space and dimmed lighting. Come study or relax with us.

crossed kalunga by the stars & other acts of resistance

Gregg Museum of Art & Design

Crossed kalunga by the stars & other acts of resistance features work by seven contemporary artists who evidence transformative and contested circumstances in their production. Art by José Bedia, Athlone Clarke, André Leon Gray, Esmerelda Mila, Rex Miller, Marielle Plaisir […]

After-Hours Study Vibes

Witherspoon Student Center, 218

The African American Cultural Center Library is extending its hours once a week to provide students a quiet place to study on central campus. Every Wednesday this fall, the AACC Library will be open until 7 p.m. The library coordinator […]

IPV in the South Asian Community

Talley Student Union, 5210

Join the Movement Peer Educators for a virtual workshop during Domestic Violence Awareness Month. The organization will provide participants with information regarding domestic violence, relationship violence, other forms of interpersonal violence and specific barriers survivors the South Asian community may […]

UT Out Loud: Goddess of the Wine Dark Sea: A mediation on ego …

Frank Thompson Hall, Room 150

Join University Theatre’s Out Loud series, a casual theatre experience for first-time theatre-goers and seasoned theatre lovers alike, as we sit back and read aloud plays by both student and professional playwrights. Attendees have the opportunity to read a character, […]

crossed kalunga by the stars & other acts of resistance

Gregg Museum of Art & Design

Crossed kalunga by the stars & other acts of resistance features work by seven contemporary artists who evidence transformative and contested circumstances in their production. Art by José Bedia, Athlone Clarke, André Leon Gray, Esmerelda Mila, Rex Miller, Marielle Plaisir […]