The Career Identity Program Launch

The Career Identity Program is a cutting-edge online program that offers students the opportunity to: Explore majors and careers that are a good fit for their interests, skills and values.Receive support from trained coaches and mentors who know what it […]

Building Bridges: Strengthening Diverse Communities

This National Coalition Building Institute workshop will allow you to gain self-awareness, stretch beyond your comfort zone and gain a new understanding. The unique workshop is interactive, experiential and high energy. Participants are both teachers and learners. During the workshop, […]

GLBT Advocate Roundtable

The GLBT Advocate Roundtable is an opportunity for faculty and staff to build a community with other GLBT Advocate Program participants. This guided reflection will model a social justice-oriented community. We will: Identify instances of oppression. Debrief successful and unsuccessful […]

Discrimination, Oppression and Violence in the Trans Community

While mainstream media is giving more attention to LGBTQ issues, issues faced by transgender community members are noticeably absent from the national conversation. Research conducted by the Williams Institute shows 41% of transgender people attempt suicide at some point in […]

Green Zone Military Ally Training

The process of transitioning from the military to civilian life can pose challenges for military veterans and their families. At NC State, nearly 750 faculty, staff and students have received training to help serve this population of students and their […]

Leading Diverse Communities

In this National Coalition Building Institute workshop, you will build knowledge, understanding and skills to lead more effectively in our diverse world. The unique workshop is interactive, experiential and high energy. Participants will learn principles from an award-winning model developed […]

GLBT Advocate Roundtable

The GLBT Advocate Roundtable is an opportunity for faculty and staff to build a community with other GLBT Advocate Program participants. This guided reflection will model a social justice-oriented community. We will: Identify instances of oppression. Debrief successful and unsuccessful […]

GLBT Advocate Roundtable

The GLBT Advocate Roundtable is an opportunity for faculty and staff to build a community with other GLBT Advocate Program participants. This guided reflection will model a social justice-oriented community. We will: Identify instances of oppression. Debrief successful and unsuccessful […]

Project SAFE Workshop With Live Debrief

Due to the impact of COVID-19 on the 2020-21 academic year, Project SAFE is now an on-demand workshop series open to NC State students, staff, faculty and alumni as well as interested local community members. The workshop is designed to […]

PDU at Lunch: Writing About Diversity in Grants

The Proposal Development Unit invites the NC State community to our spring webinar series that will provide you with insights and techniques to think strategically about grant writing. During this session, we will discuss what agencies' expectations are for incorporating […]