Equity in Action: Making it Happen

Manny Scott, author of Even On Your Worst Day You Can Be Your Student's Best Hope and one of the original Freedom Writers, will deliver the virtual keynote address at the 2020 Math Summit hosted by the Triangle Math Alliance […]

The Accountability Project: White Women Deconstructing Whiteness

Join us to learn more about the Accountability Project, a new student group that will provide an opportunity for people who identify as white women to discuss their whiteness, their role in upholding systems of oppression and the effects these […]

William C. Friday Award Presentation to Bree Newsome Bass

The Park Scholarships Class of 2021 will present the William C. Friday Award to Bree Newsome Bass, an artist, filmmaker and antiracist activist. She will join the class for a conversation on leadership, confronting racial inequities and driving change in […]

Brazilian Student Association Interest Meetings

The Brazilian Student Association will host two virtual interest meetings. The meetings are an opportunity to learn more about our organization, the events we're planning for this semester and for you to tell us what you would like for us […]

Brazilian Student Association Interest Meetings

The Brazilian Student Association will host two virtual interest meetings. The meetings are an opportunity to learn more about our organization, the events we're planning for this semester and for you to tell us what you would like for us […]

Out Loud: Static by Aysia Slade

Static, winner of the Arts NC State 2020 Creative Artist Award, is a story about best friends Jay, Alina and Elijah. They share everything, except the things that are nearly impossible to share with anyone. The play explores the isolation […]