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Supporting Multicultural Scholars

Impact Student Success

Donating to the MSA Student Support Fund can help Multicultural Student Affairs achieve more. This fund supports programming that fosters a sense of belonging for students across campus.

Multicultural Student Affairs (MSA) is committed to enhancing the success of students through community-building efforts and leadership development. Through impactful and intersectional programming, MSA also increases campus awareness around issues of developing a sense of belonging, cultural awareness, and humility while affirming and celebrating the identities of the students we serve.  Our programs and services center on leadership development, academic enrichment, education & training, mentorship and student support.

Giving to the MSA Student Support Fund enriches our peer mentors program, supports dynamic campus programming, and supports students through leadership development and conference opportunities. The fund also allows MSA to provide an open, welcoming, inviting space for the students we serve to find support, take advantage of resources, and build community.

Give by payroll deduction:

NC State Employees may give using the Payroll Deduction.